Friday, May 13, 2011

Revit basics - Reference planes


This video is a quick run through reference planes and why they are there. This is only the very basic stuff you need to know to get started. I will go into parameters later and will revisit planes to look at the more advanced features.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Modeling a footstool in 3DsMax

In this video I show my workflow for modeling a footstool similar to the one seen here:

This is from the model originally done by Alfa Smyrna here. Go have a look at this how-to. It is a worthwhile read and a beautiful interior render.

The object made in this video is very high-poly and I would not necessarily do everything the way it is done in this video. The biggest change I would make is to do some of the chamfered edges with the "round corners" option in the mr Arch&Design material instead of modeling it, esp if there will not be any close-up views of the object. In this model however we have just the room so the model can be heavy on polys. 

There is no audio in this video - I was a bit pressed for time so feel free to post questions here or at the Facebook group

3DsMax - modeling a modern foot stool from Quintus on Vimeo.

You can download the video from here

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Unwrap UVW map workflow

While the UVW map modifier is a great and speedy tool to help us get those mapping coordinates sorted there ia another, very powerfull UVW editor called the Unwrap UVW modifier. This tool allows you to manualyy manipulate the mapping of your object, export UV Templates to external image editors and bring those images back again as maps.

In most cases I use this modifier only to generate single face templates but in this video I shwo you my worklfow when I have to create a template for more than one face.


Unwrap UVW modifier from Quintus on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The case of the Palisade...and how you can be too clever for your own good

I'm feeling a bit stupid telling this story but I think it illustrates the concept of being too clever for your own good. Sometimes keeping it simple and working with the fundamentals is a good thing.

So what is this all about I hear you ask. Well, being all into Revit families at the moment and wondering how far you can push it the idea was to construct a garden palisade that would look like this:

and would add columns etc automatically every few meters or so depending on a value set by the user.

 The idea was this: construct a linebased family that would be one section of the palisade and then array that into another linebased family that would add another section as soon as already placed sections reach a certain length..simple enough. So I whipped out the notebook and started scribbling the formula's and ideas. I wikipedia'd math formulas, played with nested families, struggled with accessing parameters of one family inside another (thanks to Zach Kron's blog for clearing that up)  and even dabbled in the dark art of Revit conditional logic.

After about a day of struggling and finaly giving up and deciding to go to bed I had a thought - what if the palisade is on a slope? cold probably nest something inside a railing system and then...hold on..what did you say.. a railing system! The lightbulb moment was as overwhelming as it was humiliating. Everything I wanted this family to do was already possible with a railing system..without any clever tinkering.

I tried it and it took me about 10 mins..oi.
I'm not going to do a video on this one but if you have any questions post it here or on the Facebook page but I will give you the file.
Here is the file


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Parametric window sill family

In this video I show you how to build a parametric brick on edge window sill family that expands and contracts depending on the width of a window. It uses a line based template.

Revit Families: Window sill with line based family from Quintus on Vimeo.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Revit basic window family

This video shows how to create a basic window family and Revit and then how to add parameters to it.

Revit basic family tutorial from Quintus on Vimeo.